This deal (rotated) was played September 18, 2014 / Hilton Head BC.

This deal was analyzed by the GIB bridge software (used on BBO) and the contract of 5 ♥ was set, down one (-1). Is it possible to find a line of play to make 5 ♥ against any lie of defender's cards (the safety play)?
West's opening lead T1 is the ♠ A and when East plays the ♠ 8 (suit preference) shifts to ♦ 6 ... before playing to diamonds, declarer (South) can count enough tricks (1-spade ruff + 4-hearts + 2-diamonds + 4-clubs = 11 tricks) if hearts are limited to just 1-loser.
Where T2 is won should be based on how declarer plans the play of hearts. So how should hearts be played?