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0018 - Making 3NT

Bidding 3NT on this deal should not be an issue, but taking 9 tricks Making 3NT will be a little tricky.

This deal was played as Board 4 Sat. March 14, 2020 at Okatie Duplicate Bridge Club (Okatie DBC) - last game before the 2020 coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic closure.

Auction: West deals and with 15 hcp and a balance hand opens the bidding 1NT. East with 10 hcp and no 5-card major to transfer or 4-card major to Stayman bids 3NT.

1 NT1
3 NT2
All pass
1. 15-17 hcp balanced
2.  10 hcp & no major
3NT by West
Lead: ª

With an opening lead of the ª5, how should West play this deal?

0017 - The Grand Slam

Bidding a small slam (12 tricks) is not the same process as bidding a grand slam (13 tricks). Typically a small slam requires a solid opening hand (12-14 hcp) opposite a hand that can make a jump rebid (16-18 hcp) or about 32 combined valuation points (or 34 hcp) and control in 3 suits. You would want to be in a small slam when it takes nothing more than a finesse (winning 50% of the time). The grand slam however, requires control in 4 suits AND being able to realistically count 13 winners (winning 65% of the time). Getting to an unmakeable grand slam when the field is playing in game or small slam is a masterpoint killer.

This deal was played as Board 11 Wed. March 11, 2020 with Jamie Traudt at the Hilton Head Bridge Club.

Auction: South deals and in the auction here with 21 hcp and just 3 losers* opens the bidding 2  as strong and forcing. North's response of 2  in N/S bidding agreements is artificial and game forcing (GF) promising an A, K or 2 Qs (or better).