When to Bid #001 – Knowing when to bid and when to pass may not be the most exciting bridge skill, but it is an important element of the game. The standard 1-level response to 1 ♣ with 6+ hcp should be a guideline not a rule. Responder might hold a hand such as ♠ J53 ♥ QJ53 ♦ Q3 ♣ J753 with 7 hcp, and will surely respond 1 ♥ with a hand that may never win a trick.
North opens 1 ♣, East passes ... with 5 hcp, what is South's call?
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0013 - Everything You Need to Know
Preemptive Bid #001 – An opening preemptive bid is a high level bid (3-level or higher) made with length in a suit (usually 7+ cards), limited high-card strength (not enough for an opening bid) and limited defensive strength (maybe no outside ace). Partnerships usually have an agreement on bidding disciplined preempts vs. undisciplined preempts and/or preemptive guidelines such as the Rule of 234.
This deal was played September 25, 2014 / Hilton Head BC mentor/mentee game.
When East opens the bidding with a preemptive 3♣, how should North/South bid/play this hand?
This deal was played September 25, 2014 / Hilton Head BC mentor/mentee game.
When East opens the bidding with a preemptive 3♣, how should North/South bid/play this hand?
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