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Are Game Tries Alertable

Previously posted in the 0001 - Find the Jack deal analysis East/West, after finding an agreement in spades, East bids 3 ♣ as some sort of a game try ... so the question is whether 3  is Alertable as a game try. Yes? No?

The answer depends on the partnership's agreement regarding game tries. As per Doug Grove, ACBL Tournament Director game tries come in three basic flavors: long suit, help suit and short suit. The first two long suit and help suit are defined as natural bids and are not Alertable.  The short suit is not natural and is therefore Alertable.  A short suit is defined as two or fewer cards because anything longer is deemed a suit.

If East/West are playing some generic version of help suit game tries or natural bid game tries (i.e., not short suit game tries) and holding  AKJ2 in clubs, 3  is not Alertable.

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