The endplay form on this deal is called a throw-in (tenace throw-in play) where East is forced to lead away from a broken honor holding when put on lead (Trick 7) and has no safe exit without giving up a trick.

On this deal North/South play a conventional defense to 1 NT where a Double is a one-suited hand. South's hand is way too good (14 hcp, 6-losers and rebiddable club suit) to make a preemptive bid of 3 ♣. East/West play systems are on over a Double and so 2 ♥ is a transfer to 2 ♠. West's bid, takes North off the hook, and thus, South knows North does not have on-going values. South can fully define this hand by bidding 3 ♣. Some partnerships might double 3 ♣, but with East's club values of ♣ AQ10 sitting underneath South's values this would be a dangerous double.
The opening lead is the ♠ K, so how should South play this hand?
So here is the complete deal.
When analyzing the play consider where the trumps are ... East (1 NT opener) is bound to have ♣ AQ(x). South should have three working strategies: 1) finesse East for the ♣ AQx 2) trump in hand with small trump and 3) the winning strategy, safely exit and make East lead away from strength.
On the opening lead declarer (South) wins the ♠ A in hand and on T2 makes a setup play of the second spade and the elimination of a spade as an exit card from East's hand (from the auction the spades are 5-4-2-2). West has shown up with the ♠ KQJ (6 hcp) and East must have all of the remaining honors on this deal.
On T3 declarer wins the ♦ K in dummy (the only entry to dummy) and takes the club finesse with the ♣ AQ10 showing up in East's hand (West followed with the ♣ 2). Declarer takes the final step towards the throw-in with the lead of the ♥ Q. When East wins the ♥ K East has no safe exit, but tries with the ♥ A which declarer ruffs. And now on T7 East is put on lead with the ♣ K (the throw-in) and East can win the ♣ Q, but must eventually lead away from either hearts to the ♥ J in dummy or diamonds to the ♦ J in dummy giving South the 9th trick.
This deal was played as Board 8 Monday night November 3, 2014 / The Common Game (TCG). To obtain a printable PDF file of this deal click " 20141103 0016.
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